So who am I and why should you hire me to help you start, grow or scale your business?

Hey I’m Rosie

and like I’ve said previously I like to do things differently.

I first of all want to say I’m just a normal girl. I grew up in Portsmouth, moved to Spain when I was 10 and thought my life was destined to be normal at the age of 27 when I got rejected for a job that I thought was everything I wanted…
There was definitely a part of me that knew that I was here for bigger things but somehow had ended up in a mental space that told me the opposite, that maybe I should give up?

I had a little bit more fire in me, so I decided to build a blog and use what I had - life experience, to help women around the world make changes with their mindset and self-love so they could do bigger things. 

Little did I know...

that by sharing what I had to build others up, resulted in my life just beginning!

I went from building that blog in my spare time while working in a bar to coaching women all around the world.

After two years of hard work, determination and commitment I took a step back to realise I’d built a very successful business that not only was bringing in 6 figures a year but was also having worldwide impact. 

I am recognised as a leader, have been invited to speak to business owners to guide them with their mindset and to help them make more money than they thought possible, I run multiple successful masterminds and group programs and help women that are earning multiple 6-figures in business to expand and grow.

I support women in starting, growing and scaling their online businesses & the reason I pride myself in doing things differently are these reasons:

I care about you when you work with me, it’s never a case of just another payment, I very much believe in energetic exchange but I also believe in human connection so want to understand what motivates you as a human being.

I combine breathwork, subconscious work and business strategy to ensure we’re working on the thoughts and beliefs that could potentially be holding you back, rather than just telling you to ‘do more’. 

I’m not for everyone, I want you to do well so will lovingly call you out when you’re standing in your own way.

One thing I promise, is to listen to you, do my best to understand you and guide you on your journey in order for you to see the results you’re craving and I will never take you into a program I don’t see suitable. 

Work with Me!

This is me...

if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

Contact Me!