Here’s some of the kindest words from some of my previous clients…


"Working with YOU has been the best decision I ever made. I did it off pure intuition and I’m sooo glad I did. The journey I have been on in four months is incredible - I have changed my niche, upped my prices, signed soulmate clients… my CONFIDENCE is the highest it’s ever been, my TRUST in myself is the highest it’s ever been… mate, my BANK ACCOUNT is the highest it’s been since I started this business 😅🤣 You’re the detonator of my comfort zone and I’m so thankful for that.

You have given me so much support, encouragement, fun… everything I hoped for plus so much more. I’m soooo sad to be leaving you and this wonderful community of INCREDIBLE women you’ve built, but I don’t NEED you anymore (I might want you but that’s a whole different thing!!). And that’s due to your fucking excellent coaching. I GOT THIS, which is so much more than I could say before I met you."


‘’Rosie thank you so so much for everything you have done and brought to my life. I don't think you will ever realise how much working with you since June last year has made changes and healing for me that I never thought would happen. I've truly started to find who I am - which I thought was lost and as a person I'm now starting to love myself for who "I am" not the person other people think I am. 

Without anyone getting as deep with me as you have and listening to all my crap, life stories and not judging me and always being honest - I don't think I would ever have been able to evolve or come as far as I have. And consistently reminding me the importance of the mindset work - my business wouldn't have made the growth it has made either. The mindset work is everything - and will over rule any strategy any day.

My mindset, my confidence online and self-belief is in a better place than its ever been due to you believing and always supporting me :)’’


‘’Rosie is like the Instagram big sister that everyone needs. She doesn't leave the support at business but helps you with ANYTHING you go to her with. The number one thing I look for in a coach is Likability because I would have to trust them to talk about that things that go wrong the same as wins and Rosie is DEFINITELYYY that person for me!! Nothing is too much for her...

If you're looking for a hype queen... you need Rosie.
If you're looking for a big sister... you need Rosie.
If you're looking for someone to give you advice and support you on your down days... (is it just me or is there quite a theme running here??) but you need Rosie 
If you're looking for someone to put a rocket up your arse to make shit happen, guess what?... you need Rosie.

Okay okay I'll stop now. I could go on forever and ever but listening to me blubbering on about Rosie for the 191767388337685 time isn't going to transform your business. 

But guess who can...? Go do it bestie <3’’

You have given me so much support, encouragement, fun… everything I hoped for plus so much more. I’m soooo sad to be leaving you and this wonderful community of INCREDIBLE women you’ve built, but I don’t NEED you anymore (I might want you but that’s a whole different thing!!). And that’s due to your fucking excellent coaching. I GOT THIS, which is so much more than I could say before I met you."


"Rosie gives integrity in business a whole new meaning. She is the most present, caring, relatable and HUMAN coach.

Having Rosie on my team made my business feel fun again, something which had started to lack. The only way I can describe it is as if your best friend had become a business coach and she was there for it all. Rosie shows up for the good, the bad and the ugly and is just there in whatever capacity you need her. Working with her has not only improved my business but I think I've become a better coach because of the example she's set for me. I've made back my investment, and then some. But more importantly, the tools to have consistent income, scale, grow, get passive income, and the support Rosie provides, are worth 10x what I paid. I am SO grateful that our paths crossed and I made the jump."

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